Student of the year grand finale, LLS

Posted Posted in Volunteer & Donate

It was an amazing night of celebration at the Student of the year (SOY) grand finale by Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). About a dozen high school teams from the Bay area had been working very hard since Jan this year to fundraise for finding better cures for blood cancers, and…

these teenagers raised a whopping $246,000 towards the noble cause!!

We’d like to thank the SOY team for choosing Apu as the honored child hero for the event. As someone who’s shy, she was nervous to go up on stage. Thanks to the encouragement and support from the audience, she soon felt comfortable — even gave a short speech on stage — and was delighted to give the awards to the winning teams.

We met and spoke with many students and their families. So inspiring to see the energy and passion of these high school kids towards helping the community! Way to go kids!! 👏👏👍