new: interactive children's book

A few years ago, when our 5.x year old was diagnosed with high risk leukemia, our world suddenly turned upside down. It was a difficult 2.5 year long struggle and it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today, we are grateful that she’s a happy and healthy 9 year old — she’s been chemo free for 1.5 years and is recovering well. We couldn’t have done this without the help of so many doctors, nurses, friends and family — THANK YOU!!

Art was like therapy for our kid — it helped her relax and heal. We recently converted our kid’s artwork during her treatment into an interactive children’s book, “How sunshine returned to joyland“, with the hope of helping kids cheer up and stay positive amidst challenges. The book has silly rhymes, activities (coloring, word games etc.) and artwork. It’s about a kid that goes on a quest to defeat darkness and bring back sunshine to joyland. On her long and difficult journey, she makes new friends including magical creatures and dragons and together, they overcome all the challenges and defeat darkness. 

Here’s the book pdf. The paperback is available at cost price. We hope you enjoy the book!

Our hope is to share the book with kids everywhere (esp. hospitals and clinics) to help them stay positive and hopeful. Please do share with your friends and help us spread the word. Huge thanks to organizations like Kids & Art foundation and Jacob’s Heart children’s cancer support services for their strong encouragement and support in this endeavor!

Below are some examples of completed activities from children. You can also find some book testimonials below, more here.

Inspiring! Not just for kids…for all who want to heal. A most uplifting and inspiring work of art…and hope... 
Lori Butterworth
Founder and director, Jacob's heart children's cancer support services
What an inspiring read! How Sunshine Returned to Joyland is an illustrated journey... inspiration to readers and encourage others fighting pediatric cancer to keep working hard to restore their own happiness.
Purvi Shah
Founder, Kids & Art

What’s your favorite part of the book?

Thank you for sharing lovely examples of completed activities! We’d love to hear from you. Click the red button above to leave us your feedback, or feel free to email us at bravekidsfightcancer <at> gmail <dot> com.