Our Journey

About the header image: “Bald, yet Beautiful, Brave and Kind” – a drawing by our kid showing herself with her best friend.

This page is about the journey of our five year old kid (now nine) and how she beat cancer. I have tried to share our experiences and lessons as we are going through the long treatment for high risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-type), in the hope that others in similar situations may benefit. The posts here are by no means exhaustive, and are admittedly biased towards a mom’s perspective. Hope you find a couple of useful things here!

Our outlook towards life has fundamentally changed. We’ve learned a lot. From a busy working couple chasing lofty dreams and goals in life, we are now learning to live one day at a time and appreciate the small joys of life. Helping our kid overcome the physical, mental and emotional trauma of cancer treatment, and staying positive has become our #1 priority. The running theme has been “Think Happy Thoughts” and “Be Brave and Kind”

Some of the things that worked for us are described in the Helpful resources section (also see posts on ways to relax, and staying positive). From jewel charts, friendly strolls in the neighborhood, watching funny and inspiring movies or shows, to reading many wonderful books, singing happy songs, silly dancing, drawing oodles of art, playing fun games, and sometimes even math and science, we have tried to keep our kid engaged in various fun activities. So far, it has provided her the much needed distraction from the pain and social isolation from low immunity due to chemo. More importantly, we have shared many priceless moments and little  joys along the way…

One of our most fulfilling projects has been writing a children’s adventure storybook, “How Sunshine Returned to Joyland“, based on our kid’s artwork during her treatment period. We are trying to share it with children in hospitals and clinics to spread the message of hope.

Facebook page: http://facebook.com/BKidsFightCancer/

There are so many brave kids who have fought, won, or are still fighting against cancer. You can read about some of them here: childhood cancer stories.

Since kids can’t fight cancer alone, please do consider HELPING in whatever way you can. Your help can go a long way to build the lives of these children!!!