Maker Faire 2017

Posted Posted in Staying Positive & Learning

Sometimes quality of life takes higher priority than worrying about germs and crowds… Last weekend, after 9 months of staying home with barely any outings (except to the park nearby), we took our kid to Maker Faire 2017, something that she’s been dreaming about for nearly a year… (oh yes, we were loaded with hand sanitizers, masks, and a big stroller with her food and drinks.)

It was lovely to see the “maker” spirit in children! Reminded us that their bodies may be fighting a cruel disease, but their spirits are strong and they are quite the makers! Beyond the joy of making their own little things (be it lego or art or whatever else), they make everyday of our life special, with their warm and loving presence…

In particular, our kid had such a blast watching the various exhibits, ranging from a giant robot (15+ feet tall) made of balloons; to a large lego exhibit with moving lego trains, model of Santa Cruz boardwalk complete with moving roller coasters and rides all made of lego; 3d printers printing model brains, machines and intricate designs; giant cardboard robots (she got to wear some giant cardboard hands!); riding on robotic mythical creatures; pedaling bikes to power the music stage; sewing her own bag out of jeans; making her own soap, giant bubbles, stuffed dolls, toy balloons, ceramic pots, origami boxes etc. She was so excited, and so were we, to watch her joy. Thank you Maker Faire!

Playing with the microscope

Posted Posted in Fun with Learning

Ever seen a kid playing with a new toy? Their excitement, sense of wonder and curiosity can be infectious — be it playing with a ball, doll, game, or a microscope!

When a good friend gave us their son’s microscope, we wondered if it might be too much for a six year old. We were so wrong! When she saw an onion peel under the microscope, she was blown away by how different it looked under the microscope. The next thing we knew, she was scrambling around the entire house looking for different things to inspect under the microscope. We tried various items ranging from edible stuff (sugar, onion peel, crushed ginger, spinach leaf), liquids (water, hand soap, green juice), to paper and clothes (cotton, synthetic from a doll’s dress, wool from a sweater). She (and we) had a blast! You can watch her excitement in the video above.