Volunteering event: Visit to the pediatric unit at a hospital

Posted Posted in Volunteer & Donate

Ever considered volunteering at a nearby children’s hospital or clinic for a couple of hours? You could read a book, or play music, or entertain kids with jokes or a fun costume, or play a game with them (and these are just a few options!). Try it and you’ll discover how refreshingly different and meaningful the experience can be…

We tried this recently and found every moment of the volunteering experience to be worthwhile! As part of a volunteering event at workplace, we organized a trip to the pediatric unit at a nearby hospital (Kaiser, Santa Clara). A team of eight enthusiastic volunteers (including a Juggler, one dressed as a squirrel and another as Stitch from Lilo & Stitch) distributed fun and educational gifts to 15-20 kids from all age groups.

Laughter being the best medicine, we included joke books, emoji keychains (attach to the backpack or IV pole!) and emoji tattoos as gifts. We gave comfort toy blankets and storybook pillows to infants and toddlers; fun activity books, art and educational gifts for different age groups (including Google cardboard virtual reality for older kids, to keep them really busy). We also gave our children’s book on “How Sunshine Returned to Joyland” to the kids and nurses. Overall, it was a day well spent — a definite positive experience. Will plan more such in future 🙂