Children's book

Charity event with Buster Posey

Many of you may have heard of Buster Posey, the famous SF Giants catcher. Did you know that he and his wife have been doing a lot of charity to help pediatric cancer? Check out the Buster and Kristen Posey Fund.

On June 10, 2017, he invited a few kids undergoing treatment for cancer and their families to meet with him, and watch the game later on. He met with the kids, answered their questions, took pics, signed caps, and distributed some goodies. And whoa, what an excitement on the faces of these kids! From four year olds to sixteen year olds, everyone was thrilled. Here are some pics.

As for us parents, it was a welcome change meeting other kids and families outside the clinic or hospital setting. A chance to smile, enjoy the outdoors (good weather and game!) and share many light moments together. Oh yes, forgot to add that kiddo got Buster’s autograph on our children’s book. Will treasure that 🙂